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HaUnt Your House 2019

Do you have a family of skeletons in your garage or a fright of ghosts lurking in your attic?  It’s time to dust off the witches, headstones and grim reapers that haunt the dark corners of your house all year and show-off your creative, competitive skills in the AddamsFest Haunt Your House contest!


This contest demands you summon all of your funny and spooky, artsy and kooky imaginative spirits to haunt your house and compete for prizes.  Let loose and show your neighbors how you crush it!

Sponsored by:

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How it Works
  • The contest is open to all Westfield residents, but entries are limited.  Participants must register using the form below.

  • Judging will be based on decorations viewed from the street.  It will not include anything at the back of property.

  • Contestants’ addresses will be displayed on a map on to make it easy for fellow residents to tour the homes and log their votes online.

  • Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners based on highest scores received. 

    • 1st place: $150 Farmhouse Gift Card 

    • 2nd place: $100 Mimi & Hill Gift Card 

    • 3rd place:  $50 French Martini Gift Cart 

Important Dates
Register Your House
    To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, contact the AddamsFest Team  at
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